Sunday, August 21, 2016

Him whom I love, I chasten


Hey y'all!   I know I haven't written much lately, but things only speed up, they never slow down. There is absolutely too much that I would love to write about and too little time. Basically here we are working like crazy. I love being District Leader. I have a little bit more responsibility and a lot more opportunities to grow. I imagine that is very stressful to be a Zone Leader. All the same, from the moment I wake up (an hour early) to the moment I go to sleep, I am working. I love it, I love being involved. It can be hard, but I know that I have divine help that is making me better. Baby steps, right? I like being involved with the missionaries, knowing what is going on, and I love it when people correct me, That is: 1) a way in which they show me they care for me and want to help me and 2) an opportunity to do things better.

One of my Zone Leaders
Now the truth is, if I don´t trust in the person who is correcting me, I don´t respond nearly as well.  But if they do have my trust, I really do appreciate it. I am learning the truth in what the Lord has said, "Him whom I love, I chasten."  I get chastened a lot, so I suppose that means one of two things: 1) The Lord loves me, and 2) I still have a long (really long) way to go! It reminds me of what Papal Larkin told me one time, that he can't trust a man that is afraid to tell him how it is, even if it is contrary to what you want to hear. I prefer that too.

The countryside. There are a BUNCH of coffee plantations here!
Our little group is growing! The first Sunday I arrived we had ten people come, including us. The second, we had 23, last week we had 40, and yesterday we had 44, and that is with pue poaseños mind you, no griingos or people from other places. The truth is we have a really good group leader who is working hard, and a whole bunch of miracles. For example, we had six people who told us that they were going to come.  The morning of we called them and they said that they were on their way. And not a single one arrived. Instead the Lord blessed us with four people that we hadn't even planned for. I think He´s trying to tell me something, like "Hey, you hard-headed son of mine, I call the shots here, not you." It has been interesting. Every day is a fight to do things well.  Perhaps I coat things with sugar, making it sound like all is perfect. Well it isn't. Everyday is a fight and I am enemy number one.  Truthfully, I am the one that makes things so hard, but I´m stubborn, so I suffer for my stubbornness because sometimes I know what I should do, but I don´t do it. I struggle with patience. I have a great companion, but sometimes I feel like I´m his mother. And I don´t always have tolerance. Equally, I am impatient with myself; it is hard for me to accept my own faults. But I am learning. Slowly :) But I am happy. Very happy. Not every day, but that´s life.

Risk. I WON!!!! (Thank you Doc!)
Another miracle, Last week I didn't write. Here´s why. We were in San José because my comp had to go to the hospital (he is ok) When we were leaving Carls Junior (definitely not worth it, I felt awful afterwards--daggoned pictures look so good) As we were exiting, I saw my best friend from Guanacaste, Marvin Zuñiga. I was having a really bad day and it was absolutely God-sent to see him and be able to talk for a bit. There is a lot of pressure in Poás to have results and I was feeling a tad overwhelmed. And we talked for like four hours, so my fault, but it helped me a lot

Well I gots to go, but I love you all!


Elder Noah M. Toney

All of the District Leaders of Costa Rica

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