The first day I was in the city of Liberia (the specific area we were in was downright DUSTY, all the streets, houses, and trees were white with it. I´m sure that if I wasn't already white I´d have looked ridiculous) with a different companion (also named Elder Lopez) who happens to appear a tad
One is a previous assistant to the president, the other was a secretary, and with them, we're making a lot of changes as a zone. We've come together as brothers and sisters, and it´s a sight to see. Where before we were a bunch of dispersed guys and girls, we are now a tightly woven bunch of missionaries who love one another and are working together to accomplish good. It gives me a lot of hope, I'm excited and thankful for my zone.
Another interesting occurrence is that we had an hour long discussion with a Jehovah's Witness from Kentucky. He was very amiable, and interested in what we were saying. It was a nice change, as a general rule, Jehovah's Witnesses do not like us. He had lots of questions, like, ¨if after your mission you and your companion are on different sides of a war, would you kill each other?" An interesting question, I told him that I wasn't really sure, but that if he´d read the Book of Mormon, and pray about it, then I was 100% sure that he´d find an affirmative answer. He wasn't too awful keen on that, but he was nothing if not respectful, and that I appreciate.
I LOVE freaky bridges! |